Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Can Run Again!!

This weekend was pretty eventful.

Friday I got to leave work early for...dun dun dun....the follow-up on
my broken foot. More x-rays (hello medical bills....) I went in there
expecting for the same diagnosis as before. No running. Boy was I
surprised when said "you can go for it!". I was cheesing SO hard that
even he started laughing! I was already half way out the door when he
said "do you have any questions?", "No, I'm going to run".......:-D

Saturday morning I laced up. (Finally got to use the new pair of
Brooks I purchased in May!). It was almost 90 degrees out but it
didn't phase me. The sweat pouring down my face was welcome! I only
did 2 un-timed miles but they were AMAZING. After I returned, feeling
like I needed more, I hopped on the bike and cranked out 18 miles.
What a phenomenal way to start my day!

The rest of the day consisted of back-to-school shopping for a certain
little girl....
Look who lost ANOTHER tooth. Thats 4 missing on the top.

The day ended perfect, watching Spanglish and sharing a bowl of some awesome Sea Salt Popcorn.

Sunday morning, as much as I wanted to, I did not run. I have decided
that I will only be running every other day for the time being. I will
be implementing the 10% rule and I will LISTEN TO MY BODY. (Please,
please let me listen to my body). I opted to sleep in with Kaitlyn, go
to the Farmer's Market, run a few errands, do a 30 minute yoga
session, clean and bake my ass off.
 By the time 4:00 rolled around I was itching to do something more. I
took advantage of Kaitlyn being at the pool and went for another long
bike ride. 17.25 miles. I came home just at the start of storm. The
sky got dark and the wind reallllly picked up. It was pretty awesome.
Refueled with the best curry I have ever made. Apples, onion,
jalopeno. yellow pepper, garlic, curry powder, pepper and apple
chicken sausage. Topped with a dollop of Chobani. It was boss.

Today brings a Chiseled Physique class (aka: body pump) then another
short run tonight. Kaitlyn will ride her bike next to me, so that
makes it all the better.

PS - You KNOW I already have a training schedule set in place for
bringing myself back to where I was with running. It will be a slow,
steady August but's going to rock.

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