Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Total Body Weight Workout and a Healthy Muffin Recipe.

This week has already started out on a better note than last week!

Monday I usually take a full rest day, but I decided to add more resistance training to my weekly workouts, so I hit the weights. I really worked up a good sweat, so I thought I'd share:-) 

10 minute warm-up on the elliptical.

Back Extensions 
Ball Crunches 
(3 sets)

Dumbbell Chest Press - 20 lbs 
Supported Row - 20 lbs
(5 sets)

Leg Press - 110 lbs
Standing Shoulder Flexion - 10
(5 sets)

I did 12 reps each time, with no rest in between moves. What a great total body workout! Short, sweet, and to the point. I actually put this together for one of my clients. I hope she likes it as much as I did! 

Can you tell that I love supersets? Why take longer to do something if you don't have to?? 

Tuesday I did an easy 5 miles around beautiful (and crowded) DC @ 8:30 pace. 
**TMI - During my run, I went to blow a snot rocket (don't judge me, it's the best thing about running outside) and totally blew snot ALL over my iPhone arm band. SO crappy. The same thing usually happens if I try to spit.......I need to learn how to get some distance with these sort of things**

Today I knocked out my tempo run. I started at 6.5 mph on the treadmill, moving up every 2-3 minutes until I got to 7.3. I went up from 7.3-8.0 mph every 30 seconds, then came back down in the same pattern. 

I feel like that didn't make sense at all......the idea is to start slowly and gradually move up until you hit 10k pace (7:30 for me) and come back down gradually. I felt like I did pretty good. 

To fuel these awesome runs, I've been snacking on a batch of muffins I baked up this weekend. 

The base recipe is here.

I made a few modifications:
-using 1 whole egg vs. 2 egg whites
-adding about 1/2 a cup raisins and 3 TBSP chia seeds
-adding a splash of vanilla

Not to bad for a healthy muffin! Even the boy and my daughter ate some....willingly. 

Do you make "healthy" baked goods?
If so, please share your favorite recipe

Do you spit or blow snot when you run outside? 
I swear I'm a lady......

Do you have a great weights workout this week? any speed workouts?


  1. I try to make every baked good "healthy" because I don't eat eggs by themselves, so they're never in my house, and I also am not a big oil user. I love to use pumpkin or bananas as binding agents :) I always try and spit, but like you said, it always ends up all over me.

    1. You don't like eggs?

      I need to buy some apple sauce to use too! I saw a recipe for apple/pumpkin muffins. Sounds good.

  2. I mad the mistake of trying to spit out some phlegm with a headwind not long ago. Forgot that if you're going to do that with a headwind, you really need to turn completely to the side if you don't want it over your face ; )

    1. LOL. I love it! I've tried to do that when driving.....I can never get the distance required for that sort of thing. All down the side of my face and the inside of my door. Such a lady:-)

  3. I can't wait I try that muffin recipe - maybe tomorrow! And I do spit when I run outside; I try to b lady like and wipe my nose on my sleeve, lol. IF I really have to!
    Also, congrats - I've nominated you for a Sisterhood of the World blogger's award! You can check out my blog to see what you have to do. :-)

    1. You are much more conservative than I am!

      Thanks! I'll check it out.

    2. I'm glad I found your blog. That is awesome. I have tried to make a few healthy baked good recipes but they never come out that well. Maybe I'll have to try these though. :-)

    3. Let me know what you think if you do! Thanks for stopping by:-)

  4. Muffins have to be the perfect running fuel :) Lately my favorite healthy treat has been "banana bread cookies" that I make for my son. They are basically a little butter, flour, his infant cereal, a banana, and an egg. Maybe it's weird that they contain his infant cereal and I'm eating them, but they are too good to resist!

    I probably shouldn't admit it, but I spit and blow snot occasionally while running outside. I look around to make sure no one can see me, though. Try to be sneaky at least :) And for workouts I just did a 5-mile hill interval run on the treadmill.

    Love your blog; this was my first visit!
    Amy @

    1. That's so crazy. I've never heard of cooking w/infant cereal. I suppose it's just like a rice flour. Gluten free. haha.

      I SERIOUSLY need to get some hill work in. I struggle.

      Thanks for stopping by!
